Impact of ENSO-related rainfall variability on soybean yield in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Felipe Gustavo Pilau, Fábio Ricardo Marin, Daniel Alves da Veiga Grubert, Genei Antonio Dalmago, Thiago Libório Romanelli


Rio Grande do Sul (RS) presents a known year-on-year unevenness for soybean production, mainly due to water availability. This study aimed to assess the climate effects, with special focus on rainfall during 25 soybean-growing seasons. Eleven sites were clustered according to soybean yield. The effect of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) was considered in association with soil water balance. Neutral ENSO phases occurred in 32% of the years, while El Niño and La Ninã in 36% and 32%, respectively. No season presented difference of rainfall among Clusters under Neutral conditions. The limit of 800 mm rainfall for significant yield increments were only achieved in El Niño seasons. The combined effect of rainfall and soil type on soybean yield, represented by the actual soybean yields-water deficit relationship, led to a water cost from -3.7 to -15.2 kg mm-1 ha-1.


Glycine max. L.; rainfall; water deficit; El Niño Southern Oscillation

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