PhenoGlad model and the zoning of gladiolus planting dates in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Melina Inês Bonatto, Leosane Cristina Bosco, Cristina Pandolfo, Luciane Teixeira Stanck, Alexandra Goede de Souza, Otavio Bagiotto Rossato, Nereu Augusto Streck


The objective of this study was to evaluate the PhenoGlad model for its use in SC climatic conditions and to propose the zoning of the best planting dates of gladiolus, aiming at marketing for Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, and All Souls' Day in SC, based on the PhenoGlad model and tools of Geographic Information Systems. Initially, we evaluated PhenoGlad model performance to simulate plant development with the phenological data collected in the field and the statistics used were: Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), BIAS Index (BIAS), Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (r), and Index of Agreement (dw). Afterwards, the best planting dates were simulated with the PhenoGlad model. Statistics showed that the model satisfactorily simulated the harvest time with an average RMSE of 3.5 days, BIAS < 0, dw and r > 0.99. Cultivation aiming at harvesting for Mother's Day, in SC, can be carried out in any region without restrictions. For municipalities located in the Midwest, Santa Catarina Plateau, and Santa Catarina North Plateau there is a planting restriction for the Valentine's Day. For All Souls' Day, late cycle cultivars have greater cultivation restrictions than early cycle cultivars. These restrictions are due to the low temperatures that can jeopardize the plant development at the end or beginning of the cycle.


Gladiolus x grandiflorus Hort.; production planning; phenology

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