Thermal environment in an agroforestry system of coffee and rubber tree in Southern Brazil

Juliandra Rodrigues Rosisca, Paulo Henrique Caramori, Heverly Morais, Marcelo Aguiar e Silva, George Mitsuo Yada Junior, Daniel Campos Caramori


Climate change poses a significant risk to the production of Coffea arabica in currently cultivated areas, as the species has low tolerance to extreme temperature. Agroforestry systems are an alternative to contribute to the adaptation of this species and to continue the production in the regions where it is currently cultivated. This study assesses the thermal environment of an agroforestry system (AFS) composed of coffee and rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) planted in double rows with different spacings in Londrina, Parana state, Southern Brazil. Data of global solar radiation and temperature of air, leaves, and soil were continuously collected from 2015 to 2018. The findings reveal that the presence of rubber trees affected the microclimate by reducing extreme temperatures and decreasing mean temperatures. In the experimental conditions of limited size of the plots, leaf and soil temperatures represented more realistically the modifications in the microclimate induced by the rubber trees. The study concludes that this system can effectively contribute to the adaptation of coffee plantations in a warmer environment, in order to continue producing in traditional regions in Brazil.


temperature; microclimate; shading; global warming

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